2024 Season: Note from the President

Dear Vinoy MGA Members,

We are back from the summer break and have held our first MGA meeting about the new seasonal schedule. Our objectives for this year are to increase communication through monthly update emails, tournament recaps, and information here on our private website. Another objective is to drive participation in the events and overall engagement as a “Brotherhood Within a Membership.”

To that end, we plan a season kick-off event on September 14, coinciding with a great college football Saturday. This will be a fun-filled day of golf, food, and family-friendly activities to enjoy with your fellow members.

We also confirmed the tournament calendar for the entire year and a balanced budget for the continued success of future MGA Boards. The full-year calendar is now easily accessible at https://www.vinoygolfclub.com/events.

Our next big event will be the Vinoy Cup on October 4-5. This is always a favorite event, and we are changing up the teams, possibly a LIV vs. PGA, to add a little spice to the battle. The Ryder Cup format will remain unchanged, but we are planning a draft party the night before on October 3rd, so mark your calendars.

Best regards,
Dodd Disler, MGA President

Vice President: Cam Childs
Treasurer: Steve Hano
Secretary: Andy Cunningham


Kick-Off Recap & Vinoy Cup Update